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Check Out Your Next Investment Opportunity In This Leicester Property
As crew, you can save a lot while working. Sure, it's tempting to splurge on gadgets, clothes, or…
Saving For Superyacht Crew. You Have No Excuses!
Time to get to the reason most of you got into yachting in the first place: SAVING money…
What Changes Will The New UK Government Have On You Buying Property In The UK?
It is still early days yet in the tenure of the UK's new government. But there is an…
Exchanging Currency For Crew. Top 5 Tips!
If you earn a foreign currency, you may well need to convert funds to your home currency on…
When Would You Even Need A Cohabitation Agreement???
A Cohabitation Agreement is a ‘written, signed document, often signed as a deed in front of witnesses’ that…
Starlink… Is It Really The Ultimate Communication Solution for Superyacht Crew Welfare?
The introduction of SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet service has undeniably revolutionised connectivity and communication onboard superyachts, offering significant…
Top 5 Tips: Managing Your Foreign Income
Moving your money from country to country can be a daunting prospect with so many things to consider.…
Lasting Powers Of Attorney Myths Debunked For Crew!
What are some common misconceptions about Lasting Powers of Attorney? Well, we're here to take you through it…
Dreaming Of Swapping Your Bunk For A Home One Day?
On board you have limited space for your possessions. You need to be tidy and organised or go…
How To Protect Yourself Against Phone Theft!
Due to the nature of your work and the wealth you are associated with, superyacht crew are increasingly…
Mortgages. What One Do You Need???
Mortgages, mortgages, mortgages... If buying your first property was not daunting enough, knowing which specific type you will…
Tricks Of The Trade With Maximising Your Foreign Income!
We've got them here: the tricks of the trade and how crew can maximise foreign income! The currency…